We’ve been living in Amsterdam since 2010, leaving Italy and our first watchmaking overtures.
Arriving in Amsterdam, the feeling was immediate. It was love at first sight. Particularly, it’s design, art, houses, culture & people. Everything has a “Dutch touch”. A year after moving here, we decided to start a new adventure.
Of course starting a new company can be risky. Many would consider it to be uncertain, unsafe, challenging. For others, it would be fun & enriching; liberating. For us, perhaps, this was the only path we could follow in order to be happy every single day of our lives.
Our mission is to show how Dutch watch designers have come to create their unique lines, elevating their own identities. We love people who choose to take risks instead of going the safe route. That is our source of inspiration.
We are not here to acclaim our identity. We know that life and circumstance makes each of us different.
We visualize ourselves having and sharing good energy with our clients, our “superstars”. We always give our customers the best service we can. We love to see how a watch can become such an important part of daily life. It’s not just about time; it also represents feeling, personality, and even memories.
In all of these years we have been through many phases. We believe that all these phases were necessary to grow as people and as a company. It has not always been easy, but one thing we know is: “Dreamers need to dream all the time”. And time is made of the same material as dreams. So we will always go forth working hard to make it happen.
Maybe on the way somebody will say that our dreams are bigger than we are. With a smile, we will say, “Just watch me”. (PV-)


"Working directly with our team"
Atelier in Amsterdam"Working directly with our team"
All our repairs are carried out within our company. Repairs are therefore not sent to third parties. This helps save you considerably repair time and repair costs.

"Unique Design Watch Straps"
Store in Amsterdam"Unique Design Watch Straps"
We have made a selection of our watch straps, which we offer on our site. There are even more watch straps in our store.